The animation shows a numerical simulation of the formation and subsequent evolution of Jupiter forming in orbit around the Sun. The planet forms via the core accretion mechanism, meaning that first a solid core made of ices and rocks forms and then a gaseous envelope of H/He is accreted from the circumstellar disk. The planetary embryo starts with a mass of approximately 0.6 Earth masses and is fixed at an orbital distance of 5.2 AU.
At the top, the numerical timestep and the elapsed time is shown. The top left panel contains the basic planetary properties (like the total, core, and envelope mass, radius, luminosity, accretion rates). The other panels of the top row show the mass M, radius R, and luminosity L as a function of time. In the mass panel, the yellow, red, and green line are the total, core, and envelope mass, respectively. In the radius panel, the total (yellow), core (red), and capture radius (green) are shown. The luminosity panel contains the total (yellow) and accretion shock luminosity (green).
The other panels show the radial structure of the gaseous envelope. The middle row shows the pressure P, temperature T, density rho, and contained mass M. The values of these quantities at the core-envelope interface are also shown. The bottom row shows the specific entropy S and opacity kappa as a function of radius. The pressure-temperature profile and the stability parameter Gamma are also given. Thick lines show convective layers.
The simulation starts at about 0.15 Mio years. In the first ~0.3 Mio years, the solid core forms until the isolation mass of about 6 Earth masses is reached. Then gas is accreted so that the core and envelope mass become equal at 2.1 Mio years at the so-called crossover point. Shortly afterwards, the gas accretion rate increases rapidly (runaway gas accretion), leading to a strong raise of the luminosity and mass. At 2.4 Mio years, the gas accretion rate hits the disk-limited value, so that the planet detaches from the nebula. The radius collapses rapidly from ~100 Jovian radii to initially about 2 Jovian radii. The luminosity reaches a maximum corresponding to about 0.3% of the luminosity of the Sun. Gas accretion continues at a high rate until the final mass of 320 Earth masses corresponding to ~1 Jovian mass is reached. The planet now simply cools and contracts at constant mass. At about 4.5 Gyrs, the radius has decreased to 1.01 Jovian radius, while the luminosity is about 1.11 Jovian intrinsic luminosities. The simulation ends at an age of 17 Gyrs.